Quick tips to beat the heat this summer

Quick tips to beat the heat this summer


  • Add fresh mint leaves and lemon juice to your water. It will keep you fresh for a longer time.
  • Since we can’t eat more during summers, boost your metabolism by adding ginger n cinnamon to your tea, hv a cup of black coffee n green tea, each per day.
  • Make sure to complete a minimum of 2.5-3.5 litres of water per day as you will lose a lot of water In sweat. Even better, consume a bottle for chaas made from 300gms to curd during the entire day ( u can give it a minty flavour too)
  • Keep a pc of jaggery or a date in your purse to manage low sugar levels during the day (Due to heat burn)
  • Lastly, include a banana early morning to boost up your energy dose (caution for dibaetics – keep a check on your sugar levels before consumption)

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