
Why the Tawaf is performed anti clockwise?

When we revolve around the Kaaba we are orbiting in the same direction as the whole universe and all the creations of Allah from the tiniest particles, to the largest galaxies, along with the human race unite in praise of Allah.

Worshipping Allah in one direction. Praising Allah in one direction.

The auspicious Hajj trip is one of the five pillars of Islam, a onetime obligation upon those who have the ability to perform it. Don’t delaying for Hajj! When we go around the Ka’aba, we are travelling in the land traveled by all the prophets of Allah, from the prophet Adam (alaihis salaam) to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

The Ka’aba in Makkah (Kaaba Old Photos of 1880 & 1953) is never free from circumbulators.

Truly Islam is from Allah

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