Marvels of the Holy Quran

Shehrullah is the month in which Quran e Majeed was revealed to Rasulullah (SAW). In this month, mumineen do tilawat of Quran e Majeed with added fervor as Hudat Kiram (AS) have informed that reciting a single ayah of Quran e Majeed in Shehrullah equals reciting the whole Quran in any other month.

Quran noor

Rasulullah (SAW) says:

The one who listens to the Quran will be spared the calamities of duniya; the one who recites the Quran will be spared the evils of duniya and akherat.

Tarteel of Quran e Majeed has its principles and guidelines. Quran e Majeed is not to be read like a book, nor to be sung like a poem or song. Even while reciting softly to one’s self, the lips should form the words. Balanced rhythmic notes and lehen are used in recitation.

There are certain ahkaam (principles) pertaining to the articulation of words and letters during tarteel: this is known as tajweed. It is important to know these principles for proper recitation.

Allah commanded Rasulullah (SAW)

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